2016@TGS 運動+遊戲,讓健身更有趣

Stay Fit through Games: Who says exercising needs to be dull?


別再迷信小時侯胖不是胖 Youth Obesity Matters


藍牙互動式遊戲健身車(Game-Bike)透過藍牙與智慧型裝置(手機、平板)連線,搭配遊戲APP能讓使用者一邊玩遊戲一邊運動,讓健身運動不再那麼枯燥無趣,也可讓孩童在玩遊戲的過程中鍛練健康的身體,搭配特定應用軟體,還能利用雲端管理的功能,將運動數據傳輸到雲端,成為全家人的運動教練。In recent years, youth obesity has been an urgent health issue that plagues many countries. It has been estimated by experts that obesity problem in youth has at least an 50% likelihood of lingering well into adolescence, which may have the possibility of further developing into diabetes, high-blood pressure, gout, and cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, there are always parents who are worried about letting loose of their loved ones outside alone, where many hazards and safety issues must be considered. The solution? Indoor exercise trainer machines that eliminates the monotony of exercising!   The Bluetooth equipped Game-Bike is a revolutionary indoor bike trainer that can be paired with common smartphones or tablets, turning the dull trainer into an interactive entertainment fitness device. Games become a part of the trainer and exercising is no longer repetitive and boring. Youngsters of the digital age can finally stay fit while doing what they like the most. Some apps also have the option to upload score rankings or results onto the Cloud, allowing families and friends to share and compare data to maintain the drive to improve.

上班族工作忙,沒時間去健身房 No Time to Exercise Outside?

每天上班、加班、工作忙碌,而周末正是出去玩的好時光,那有時間上健身房,所以桌下型互動式遊戲健身車" Desk Bike" 就是您最好的選擇,只要放置在辦公桌下,就能運用上班時的空檔、閒暇時間,輕鬆消耗多餘卡路里,休息時間還可以邊鍛練邊玩遊戲,瘦身與娛樂一次滿足。Work, overtime, eat, sleep, and work… the vicious and repetitive cycle of modern adults during weekdays is what deprives them of the time to exercise. The solution? Our compact Desk Bike that will fit right under your office desk. Spend your free time in the office on training and playing, and burn off those fat before you even realize it!

復健的辛苦與枯燥,我們都知道 Potential for Patient Rehabilitation

去年已介接永悅健管(鴻海集團)開發的健康管理軟體(71克),今年還將與復健醫學科合作,推出復健用立式車。提供復健與APP互動遊戲功能,讓復健運動不再枯燥乏味,變得趣味十足,還可以將復健運動記錄上傳雲端進行管理,供醫師追蹤與調整,早日完成康復目標。Last year, we have developed our products to be compatibility with H2U Club’s (subsidiary of Foxconn) health management app “71g”. This year, we will be partnering with many Taiwanese hospitals’ rehabilitation medicine departments to supply indoor rehabilitation trainers. The fusion of entertainment and rehabilitation help patients ride through the otherwise difficult and dull training programs, the ability to upload data to the Cloud server also allow physicians to track and make adjustments to the training programs where necessary.

健康遊戲當道,快快加入才是王道 Games and Health – A Healthy Addiction

近年來Google與iOS都推出了HeathKit相關應用,可見APP多元化已延伸到健康與醫療,每年都有海量的APP遊戲或應用軟體開發上市,但健康遊戲這個區域還是一片藍海,我們將提供免費的介接SDK(適用Android與iOS系統)也可以提供Unity專用的介接Plugin,歡迎各家軟體開發商一同來打造這個全新的市場,隨時與我們連絡。The recent scramble towards releasing easy, convenient, and effective health apps by major tech companies, such as the Google Fit or Apple HealthKit, suggests that the IT wars have officially treaded into the health sector, with countless similar apps released every single year. However, so far few have attempted to fuse gaming into health care.  For this reason, we are currently releasing our SDK for free (available for both iOS and Android) and plugins compatible with the Unity engine. We recognize this opportunity and are excited to share with eager developers to help shape the industry’s economy of scope together in the future. 

深受e世代歡迎的Game-Bike,不僅結合了健身車與遊戲平台,也帶動了健身運動遊戲化的新風潮,將在2016 台北國際電玩展(1/29)展出,包含台灣好遊戲專區與B2B商務區兩個攤位,歡迎大家來體驗邊遊戲邊健身的效果。Game-Bike, the now all-time favourite of the digital age inhabitants, is about to open a new trend in the “gamification” of fitness activities. We will exhibiting and demonstrating our products at the 2016 Taipei Game Show on January 29, 2016, at two booth locations: one at the B2B Zone and the other at the Game of Taiwan section. Please be sure to check out the effectiveness of fitness entertainment!

健康遊戲當道,快快加入才是王道 Awards, Recognitions, and Exhibitions

2015年正式銷售並與外貿協會IEP計畫合作,遠至德國、荷蘭、法國、波蘭、美國、菲律賓、緬甸等17個國家參展。2014 - Awarded the New Innovative Product Gold Award from Taiwanese Information Technology Month Innovation.
- Attended 2014 Tokyo Game Show and received extensive media coverage. 
2015 - System exhibition to 17 overseas countries including Germany, Netherlands, France, Poland, the United States of America, Myanmar, under the collaboration program with the Taiwan External Trade Development Council’s IEP Project.

現有款式 Available Models
家用型X Type 立式型Stationary Type 桌下型Desk Type

特點 Features

1.家用型 Game-Bike X Type 輕巧可收折不佔空間,內建完整程控功能,單機也可進行各種肌力 、心肺、減重訓練。
2.內建藍牙BT 4.0 模組,支援Android與iOS 智慧裝置。
5.免費提供APP軟體開發用SDK(適用iOS與Android系統),可供各軟體開發商進行介接,一同踏入健康遊戲的新市場。 1. Game-Bike X Type Compact and foldable design. Complete with fully customizable programs. Default programs capable of muscle, cardio fitness, and weight loss trainings. 2. Built-in Bluetooth 4.0. Compatible with Android and iOS devices. 3. Auto electromagnetic resistance control. Allows customization of friction levels according to the resistance required by the training settings (default) or a linked, compatible game (parameters loaded from the app). 4. Control panel contains heart rate meter, watt meter and calorie calculation. Dual key twin-axel handle. Flywheel provides real-time data of RPM and resistance level and can be used to accurately calculate user’s session details and fat burn, at the same precision as a dedicated indoor bike. 5. Free SDK (for iOS and Android) provided for developers who wish to interface their apps with the bikes, to develop the industry together.